This is an interactive community puzzle. Each person who plays gets a jellybean pin with a clue, they must work in a team to solve the puzzle. The first team to solve the puzzle will win a LE 15 ivory niffler teacup pin.
On October 3rd at 5pm est I will drop 118 jellybean pins, each with a clue.
Each person will purchase a bean/clue which will also give them a spot on a team.
Once you've purchased your bean, I'll make a post where people can comment and meet up with their team members.
When you get your bean/clue in the mail you will have to work as a team to try and solve the "puzzle"
You will NEED to make alliances and friendships with other people playing to find the answer first.
The first team to figure it out will come back here and enter their info. The first team to get it correct wins the LE Ivory niffler teacup pin.
If you guess wrong, you are eliminated.
You must purchase a bean/clue to be eligible to win.
Winning team each gets 1 single pink niffler teacup pin per official team player.
When you buy a bean, you are purchasing a spot on a specific team. you can not create your own team. The goal is to make new friends and build community connections.
Each team will have 5-6 people.
Each person can purchase 1 bean/clue ONLY.
EVERYONE is welcome to play. If you purchase a spot on a team with a person you don't like, I can not make changes and you will have to work together with your team as best as you can.
There two full identical sets of clues. There are 59 beans in each set of clues. When you purchase your bean/ clue it will say if you are in set 1 or set 2 of the clues. I made two sets so that more people can play, but also so that if something happens and a person can not to play, the clue is not lost. CHECK THE BACK OF YOUR BEAN CARD TO SEE WHAT SET YOU HAVE.
DO NOT CREATE FAKE BEANS/ FLASE CLUES. A little sneaking is one thing, but trying to ruin the game with fake clues is not helpful and will result in immediate disqualification for your entire team.
Each person can only buy 1 single bean/clue. Do not have your partner/friend buy one if they are not willing to actually play. It's an interactive game and your team is counting on you.
You will have to communicate with your team, maybe that means making a group chat or having a zoom meeting.
The game takes as long as it takes. It's not incredibly complicated, but it will take communication. It could take a couple weeks, or a few days.
To solve the puzzle scroll down to the bottom of this page. Fill out the form. First team to win gets the prizes!
If your team wins, each member of the team will get 1 ivory niffler teacup pin. I will create a listing here/ or on popshop for you to add the teacup to your cart.
If you are European you are allowed to play BUT!! shipping can take up to 2 weeks, this means your team might be without a clue for a while. So you DO have a slight disadvantage.
All clue orders will ship out Tuesday October 8th so that people have time to work with their team to create a plan.
I'll make an instagram post and you will go there after buying your clue to comment what team you are on.
Contact your team members and create a group chat or way to communicate.
Make alliances and friendships.
You will NOT be able to win unless you see a large amount of the other beans/clues.
Work as a team to decide how to trade knowledge of your clues. Perhaps you'll trade all your clues with all of another teams clues, perhaps you'll trade only 1 clue with every single team. Maybe you'll post a corner of each bean to your instagrams and ask for people to dm? Come up with a plan together with your team.
You may want to create a team trader post of pins that you're willing to trade for clues.
You CAN have a non-player join your group as a non-team member to help you. So if you want your teen to play, your partner, or a friend, and they don't care about the special teacup but they want to play, discuss with your team adding them to your group. Having extra eyes on the puzzle might be helpful!
There will always be some people who will betray the group for a trader that's good enough. lol. You can definitely try to bribe people in other teams to betray their team.
It's best to work as a team and talk about your plans. There will be some members who feel an obligation to show their clue to a friend. Discuss with your team who will feel obligated to share their clue and come to an agreement. (for example, Stina will want to share her clue with Nikki. but promises not to share anyone else's clue from the team. Once stina knows Nikkis clue, she'll share it in the group etc..)
When sharing photos, make sure you take pictures in outside indirect light so that it is clear.
Team spots and beans will be listed as one item on the website. When you purchase a bean, you'll automatically be put on a team.
You get one chance to solve this puzzle!! if you give the WRONG ANSWER your team will be disqualified. So make sure that you’re sure… and Hurry! Other Teams are closing on you.